Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Is it necessary to or put restrictions on freedom of thought or expressions?

America is mostly known for its liberty and freedom. The bill of rights also state freedom of speech. For that reason there shouldn't be restrictions on freedom of thought or expressions, because every person has the right to speak their minds out loud, they should be heard, and every person should have their own opinions. Same as forming a team, when working with a team you have to hear everyone's opinions or else some people would agree with what you are saying and half of the other team are just going to be unhappy. Same for freedom of thought, if people's voices aren't heard then what's the point of even calling America a free country if people aren't allowed to speak for themselves. Having restrictions on people's opinions are just going to make citizens even more angry. Before the bill of rights even existed, citizens in the 13 colonies were ruled by a king from England and because of the Kings brutal rules and his over power, the citizens in America became really Angry and decided to limit the king, the Magna Carta of 1215. Connecting this back to modern day, if we have restricted thoughts then society will become furious and begin to strike. Having restrictions is not all bad, in fact because of the causes of cyber bullying people have lost their privilege of speaking their own opinions. Having restrictions on major problems, for example cyber bullying can be allowed but if there's no major causes effecting other people's feelings then there shouldn't be restrictions put down.

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