Monday, January 19, 2015

Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control?

"Winning provides happiness but losing provides wisdom" -Neil Patel-
Being successful in a specific task can be a great feeling and these kinds of outcomes does influence our life's when making decisions. Although sometimes it's good to lose as well, you have to learn from your mistakes so that way in the future it can be prevented from happening again. No one's perfect and their is going to come to a point where you're going to have to make decisions, and that's a risk that has to be done. Don't expect the outcome to be a good thing because theirs always surprises in life, this is when the experience in losing comes to play. Losing is also a tool/strategy that can be used to also make decisions. Win or lose you still have a positive outcome because now you know what's right and what's wrong.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with how you believe that nobody is perfect and everyone is going to make mistakes once in a while. nice post & interesting thoughts on this question!
