Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Can knowledge be a burden rather than being a benefit?

Knowledge can take you to many things in life, it helps you figure things out with common sense, and gives you a better picture of the way life works. Knowledge can be useful for many things. Such as survival, not having a knowledge of wild life or surviving the wild, will end up killing you in a matter of days. Sure know it all's are always the most annoying when it comes to knowing a billion things, but in realidy it's not all that bad although when it comes to showing off then that's a different situation. Knowledge has effected famous people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and so much more inventors and scientists that had success in life. Knowledge is a burden but it's not something to be ashamed of, so in a way knowledge is beneficial if used well. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The weather channel news

Recently I've downloaded this app called called the weather channel, as seen on tv. I've always been fastenated with their latest news and weather. Lately I've been watching their videos on the "secrets of the earth" and "American supernatural." As I began to watch different stories of legends and surprising things that earth does such as natural phenomenons and climate changes. As every video/news ended I started to realize that there are more surprising things that Mother Nature does that I didn't even know that was possible. For example who knew that there could be "another world" beneath us, such as giant holes that appear out of no where that gobble up cars, trees, even people. As for supernaturalm there are actually myths and stories that are actually true in this world that are unreal like "the Devils gate" or "the black woods" all these come with a different yet spooky set of background story to it. 

Should modern society be critized for being materialistic?

Phones, cars, tv's, computers. All these expensive objects seem to attract modern society these days and there's only one reason why people seem to be very materialistic about the latest gadgets, luxury. In today's society, luxury and money is all what people care about. For example gambling, stealing and abduction are the three most common crime scenes that happen today. The outcome for all three outcomes are money. When gambling, people hope for money, when robbing a bank or a store, the first thing they ask is for the money stored in the cashier register with a gun put on your head, and lastly abduction, whenever a child or adult is abducted the first thing they ask in return is money. If you haven't noticed yet, society only cares about being rich. Back then things weren't like that, the only things people might of stolen were probably food or water mostly for survival, but today it's not only about survival anymore it's about class. That's why society today is now considered materialistic.

Is it necessary to or put restrictions on freedom of thought or expressions?

America is mostly known for its liberty and freedom. The bill of rights also state freedom of speech. For that reason there shouldn't be restrictions on freedom of thought or expressions, because every person has the right to speak their minds out loud, they should be heard, and every person should have their own opinions. Same as forming a team, when working with a team you have to hear everyone's opinions or else some people would agree with what you are saying and half of the other team are just going to be unhappy. Same for freedom of thought, if people's voices aren't heard then what's the point of even calling America a free country if people aren't allowed to speak for themselves. Having restrictions on people's opinions are just going to make citizens even more angry. Before the bill of rights even existed, citizens in the 13 colonies were ruled by a king from England and because of the Kings brutal rules and his over power, the citizens in America became really Angry and decided to limit the king, the Magna Carta of 1215. Connecting this back to modern day, if we have restricted thoughts then society will become furious and begin to strike. Having restrictions is not all bad, in fact because of the causes of cyber bullying people have lost their privilege of speaking their own opinions. Having restrictions on major problems, for example cyber bullying can be allowed but if there's no major causes effecting other people's feelings then there shouldn't be restrictions put down.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control?

"Winning provides happiness but losing provides wisdom" -Neil Patel-
Being successful in a specific task can be a great feeling and these kinds of outcomes does influence our life's when making decisions. Although sometimes it's good to lose as well, you have to learn from your mistakes so that way in the future it can be prevented from happening again. No one's perfect and their is going to come to a point where you're going to have to make decisions, and that's a risk that has to be done. Don't expect the outcome to be a good thing because theirs always surprises in life, this is when the experience in losing comes to play. Losing is also a tool/strategy that can be used to also make decisions. Win or lose you still have a positive outcome because now you know what's right and what's wrong.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Can books and stories about characters & events that are not real teach us anything useful?

     As kids we read fiction books that teach us lessons in life for example Little Red Riding Hood. Also princess stories, princess stories are not just about a girl who meets her Prince Charming. Stories such as The Little Mermaid. In a kids point of view, kids view these stories as entertainment or a bed time story but as we grow up and face real world problems we start to begin connecting books with real life situations, which can also help us to even deal with them as well. Books like The Little Red Riding Hood teaches us of being careful on whom to trust, as well as to think critically. This connects to real life situations such as maintaining yourself away from strangers or avoiding you from ever being out smarted. Stories like princesses, focus more on shaping your way of living. For example The Little Mermaid, encourages us to try new things and discover outside their comfort zone every once in a while. There are many more other stories that all come together to prepare people from real life situations. The fact that authors use their fictional books as early prepareness for kids is a very smart idea because this helps us think critically on our decisions that we take later on in life.