Sunday, August 17, 2014

Reader autobiography

    People read because reading takes them into another world. It makes them feel like they are in the characters shoes, rather its a romance, horror, or even a fairytale.  Usually people say that reading is like TV in your head but really its the imagery that comes in mind. Kind of like the teenagers who read the "Fault in our stars" all along I heard comments on how the book was better than the movie, I would know because I read the book too. Some people actually cried becuase reading the book makes you feel what the character is feeling. Maybe thats why people read
    A person to become a reader would have to have a passion for reading, spend there free time reading, basically use it as entertainment.  Trust me I've seen people who love to read and its beautiful though because you get to enter another world and get out of reality. To earn a title, it would have to take a lot of vocabulary knowing and maybe understanding what the text is really talking about. In order to be a good reader would be to really know a long list of vocabulary becuase reading includes a lot of words that you may not know, depending on the book of course.
    I dont really read much, which means I dont really have a long variety of authors but I would have to pick Dr. Seuss, Mark Brown and John Green. The reason I chose Dr. Seuss and Mark Brown is because there books were my favorite books to read as a child and I would never forget my 1st books I read as a child. Recently I read the book "The Fault in our stars" and its a lovely book. The reason for this choice is because John Green got a good idea of bringing a  idea of a love story/ a couple who is trying to survive their cancer sickness. Although John Green hit a really good twist in the book but enough of me spoiling the book.
    I dont consider myself a reader. Mostly because I hate the fact of beginning the book with such boredness and having to wait till the end for all the action to happen. Sometimes I just go to the very last page and read it or sometimes I tend to judge the book by its cover, I know not the best thing to do. As a "good" reader I would consider myself because if I wasn't I wouldn't be here by now although I do think that my friends are even better at it because I see that they can read a whole book on like 3 or 4 days, unlike me I take about a week or 2 just to finish one, although it depends how interesting the book is.
    Usually parents are the ones who help you read but my story is a little different yet sweet. My friend is the one who teached me how to read. It 1st started with me just looking at the picture and just making up a story out of the book. Although I started to notice that my friend could read a little so I asked her if she could teach me and she told me that the trick to beginning is sounding out the words by using the sounds of the alphabet. At 1st I always thought the ABC's was just a song for fun but then it turned out to be useful. I wasn't the best listener in class, so I probably missed the part of the ABC's being useful for reading and writing.
    I'm guessing that "blocked" means being very closed in what you read, meaning very picky on what I read.  Well I would say that I am a blocked reader because,  like I said I judge books by its cover. If I dont like what the title saids or what the cover looks like I won't read it! I would like to improve on my vocabulary, mostly because I can also use it on my soeaking and make me sound more of an adult. Also understanding the point of a text in a book. I'm usially really bad at digging deeper in analyzing a text although its not sething I really want to improve in, its just mayne an extra.
    I love romance books because it gives me that fantasy that may only exist in the world of books and movoes but for me once you read a romance book you feel like your in the characters shoes. Kind of like your in a movoe with your non existing dream guy. Believe it or not romance books actually makes me get butterflies in my stomach! Usually in school im required to read "classic" books and everyone knows that classics are OLD there out of date, who wants to read those! This is why I barely finish my reading assignments because there so boring and I cant take it but to fall asleep while reading. Although the only thing that I do care about are my grades and future. I fear of textbook like books because I take forever to finish a book. By the time I finish a book like those would be never.
    This homework actually made me figure out who I am as a reader and find out what I like also helps me reflect on what I need to improve on to catch up on my friends. I wouldn't say it was fun,  because its homework, and everyone knows that no one likes homework but I would have to say that it was a good exercise into finding my position in reading and what I want to accomplish in it.

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