Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oedipus Rex

There was a mix of reactions that came through me while reading Oedipus Rex.At the beginning I found it quite funny that Oedipus was saying that whoever was the killer of the king he would rather band him from the land or kill him. It's funny because since he doesn't know that he is the killer, he's basically putting a punishment on his own. As the story went along Oedipus slowly went understanding that he could be the killer. Although I kept on getting irritated when  Oedipus was talking to Teiresius because when Teiresius was telling Oedipus the truth. Oedipus would not believe him and continue on asking questions and kept on denying what Teiresius was saying. It was annoying for Oedipus to keep on questioning Teiresius. things started to get more interesting when Jocasta was telling her story. I can't imagine if i was in Oedipus place, just imagining that i could be the killer of my own father, or in this case I could be the killer of my own mother and find out that I married my dad...eww. Other than the reactions said, it seemed a little boring when there was too much talking about the same topic. I mean it's great to go in detail but it also tends to loose readers attentions, well especially for me. I actually zoned out for a little bit, until Teiresius came to the point of telling Oedipus that he was the one who killed his father. Hopefully it get's even more interesting. What's killing to know is a lot of things. How will Oedipus and Jocasta react when they realize that they are related? Will Oedipus die for killing the king, most importantly his own father? Can't wait to what's in store.

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