Monday, September 15, 2014

The Great Gatby movie reflection

Gatsby and the American dream are similar to each other, Gatsby wanted to achieve a goal and that goal was winning the heart of Daisy. Just like the American dream, it’s something/goal that’s wants to be achieved but can’t always be accomplished. Gatsby was nowhere close to win the heart of Daisy in real life Daisy only cared about the money of a man, and that is something that Gatsby had in him. Although Gatsby was all in for the money but only to lead Daisy towards him.

The American dream is a person’s dream, but it can’t always lead you to good endings, it can potentially kill you rather it’s emotionally or physically. Unfortunately Gatsby didn’t have much luck and it killed him, even though Gatsby was not the fault for anything, it was Daisies. Although his love for Daisy was so big that he took the blame for Daisy. Not only Gatsby’s love was Daisy but Daisy was the American dream for Gatsby, which basically lead to Gatsby ending up to being killed.
The American dream can be something that always may lead to a success but if you actually think about it can lead to problems if you take matters into your own hands. Just like Gatsby, Gatsby had no fault in running over Mertle, it was really Daisy's fault. Although Gatsby took mattered into his own plans and decided to not tell anyone about who was behind the wheel during the car accident, he cared too much about Daisy that he decided to take all the blame on him. This didn't seem to be a much worry for him because he supposedly thought that Daisy and him would run away together without anyone knowing of them. Unfortunately Daisy never calls Gastby that she is ready to leave with him. Gatsby still having hope dies with a never finished American dream goal  

Daisy is what represented Gatspy's dream, it's what he was shooting for. Although this ended up stabbing Gatsby in the back, the American dream, which is Daisy ended up killing gatby in the end...basically. Not all American dreams end to a success, it just all depends on the hope, and intelligence that’s in you to achieve them. People go through many challenges that lead to their dream but at the end it's all worth it, but not all the time. This came the complete opposite for Gasby which was a fail. 

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